Friday, June 5, 2020

World Environment Day 2020

 In the last few years, humans have not appreciated/cared mother nature, due to which the relationship between nature and humans has broken down. In this difficult time, when an epidemic like Corona has disturbed the people and created chaos all over the world. Nature is the hope that can help us fight this epidemic and make everything the same as before. But first we have to take care of our nature as before. We have to rebuild that relationship again by caring for nature. 

In this growing technological age, we should  find some time for our mother nature. Nature is a part of our family because if it does not exist then the human being will not exist either. 

On this World Environment Day, lets plant a hope to prove that we still care for our nature and will do it even in future. We will respect and honor mother nature like our own mothers. And so do mother nature will too help us in fighting this pandemic and upcoming future problems and lets us win a successful and a happy life for all of us and our coming generations. 


Android wallpapers

Download Nature Wallpapers for Android 01. Love for Green 02. Peaceful 03. Nature music 04. White hibiscus